****The time clock may be unavailable for up to an hour when performing these updates,

please choose a time when it will not be heavily used. Your building secretary can assist

anyone unable to use the clock while you are updating it.

1. The clock should be on the home screen, waiting to scan a card as shown below.

1.  Starting in the upper left and going clockwise, touch all four corners of the screen. The screen below should appear.

3. Click on the Keyboard to bring up the Keyboard. Enter the password “1492”.

4. Touch and slide up anywhere on the screen Windows Startup screen that appears to reveal the Windows Login Page.

5. From the Windows Login page select the Touchpoint user at the bottom left of the screen, as shown below.

6.  Click Sign-In.

7.  From the Windows Desktop as shown below, click on the Windows icon in the lower left, formerly the Start Menu. Then select the gear / Settings function

8.  From the settings window shown below, type “update” in the search bar. The on-screen keyboard is opened using the keyboard icon in the system tray on the lower right.

9.  Click “Check for Updates” from the list that appears below the text you typed.


10. The Screen below should appear.

11. This screen will show the status of the updates in progress. Leave the device signed in and on this screen until it shows all updates are complete. 

You may be asked to click: Install, Restart, Etc. . . 
Once complete the device may then ask you to restart Windows, follow the directions, and restart. 
It is possible that the device will be ready for a restart immediately and not require additional time on this screen. 

If it does not ask you to restart after completing all listed updates, you must restart the machine to return to the home clock screen.

**You should only restart manually if Windows indicates all updates are complete and Windows does not ask for a restart to install the updates.


12.  After either a prompted restart or the manually initiated restart, the clock should return to the home clock screen, this may be after SEVERAL automatic restarts as Windows updates are installed.